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Image of AUVA Präventina Campaign by digitalwerk
Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt (AUVA)
IAB WEBAD Gold Winner
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IAB WEBAD Silver & Bronze Winner

Campaign with character: Präventina is taking over!

About the Case

Every two years, the Austrian Social Insurance for Occupational Risks (AUVA) launches a prevention campaign on a new topic from the field of occupational health and safety. As part of a pitch, an overarching concept was required that would carry the new campaign focusing on digitalization through the years 2025 and 2026 and present the campaign's sub-themes to a wide variety of target groups in an easily digestible way.

Without further ado, we turned the briefing upside-down and instead of just a claim and graphic implementation, we presented a brand character and a film concept - and implemented them.


AUVA's target group includes not only all working people, but also employers in Austria. Therefore, a universally understandable and attention-grabbing foundation was needed that could carry various messages on the sub-topics of “Mobile and hybrid working”, “AI & robotics” and “Supporting digital systems”.
Also important for us: finding a humorous approach to a rather dry topic that increases the recognition value of AUVA and has future potential.


Reinventing the wheel every two years with a new claim and a new look - how about no? Instead, we have created a brand character for AUVA: Präventina. This character stands up for the common interests of AUVA - with a somewhat unique style. Anyone who works too much in the home office will have the plug pulled on them without further ado.
Präventina was created as a 3D model in collaboration with Vienna Paint Studios and brought to life in four short videos. Präventina can be found across all touchpoints of the campaign and is therefore AUVA's new ambassador.


Communication Strategy
Creative Strategy
Claim & Slogan
Creative Concept
Content Creation
Social Media
Campaign Concept

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