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Mockups of the new, modern website of Modeschule Hallein
Modeschule Hallein
IAB WEBAD Gold Winner
External link
IAB WEBAD Silver & Bronze Winner

A good impression is always in fashion

About the Case

Modeschule Hallein was faced with the challenge of modernizing its digital presence in order to offer potential students and their parents an informative and appealing decision-making tool for choosing a school. The aim was to use the website not only as a representative platform, but also as a central means of communication that clearly emphasizes the uniqueness and creativity of the training.


The primary goal was to create an intuitive, user-friendly website that reflects the school's corporate identity and provides comprehensive information about the educational offerings at first glance. The previous website was outdated and not user-friendly, making it difficult for interested parties to quickly find important information such as registration dates, events and specific educational offers.


During the conception phase, we worked closely with the fashion school's stakeholders to understand their vision and specific requirements. We then developed a clear, reduced design that visually differentiated the various educational focuses through the targeted use of accent colors.

For the technical implementation, we opted for Webflow in order to benefit from its flexibility and design functions. Webflow enabled us to create a dynamic, easy-to-navigate website that allows the fashion school's managers to efficiently manage and update content. The result was a visually appealing and technically advanced website that serves as the main point of contact for future students and their families and presents the educational offerings of Modeschule Hallein in the best possible way.


Interaction Concept
User Experience Design
User Interface Design
UX Optimization

"Thanks to digitalwerk, the new website of Modeschule Hallein is refreshing, modern, clear and well-organised. We feel well represented and are pleased to see the creativity and versatility of our students and the training programmes being presented in this way."

Mag. Andrea Luckart

Director, Modeschule Hallein

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