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Mockup of the BYD Austria Website
BYD Austria
IAB WEBAD Gold Winner
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IAB WEBAD Silver & Bronze Winner

Power-up for BYD: New website for the kick-off of the UEFA EURO

About the Case

BYD, short for Build Your Dreams, is the world's largest electric car manufacturer. Since January 2023, BYD has been distributed in Austria by CCI Car Austria GmbH, a subsidiary of the DENZEL Group. To mark the partnership between BYD and UEFA EURO 2024 and to modernise the brand's digital presence in Austria, the website was completely redesigned - it now serves as Austria's largest BYD electric car showroom. The implementation was carried out using Webflow, a leading platform for efficient web design and simple page management.


In December 2023, the BYD Digital Team with Katharina Kodella, Head of Group Digitalisation at the Denzel Group Austria and Natalie Stark, Digital Marketing Expert BYD Austria, decided to completely redesign the BYD website - in order to go online in time for the start of the UEFA EURO 2024 at the beginning of June. An ambitious timeframe: after a successful agency pitch, an intensive and challenging phase began in March 2024, in which not only a comprehensive redesign of the site was required, but also the integration of content, tracking functions, Salesforce and special EURO promotions.


After an intensive concept and design phase, Webflow enabled us to develop a dynamic website for BYD that does justice to the brand in a very short time - no less than 14 days. The use of Finsweet's Client First method, a proven Webflow technology, enables efficient and user-friendly content management. At the same time, the website was integrated into the Salesforce Marketing and Sales & Service Cloud and the tracking functions were extensively tested. Within the given three-month timeframe, the largest sales and lead generation platform for BYD in Austria successfully went live - and was just the beginning of a successful collaboration in the fast lane. In addition to the website relaunch, we have already successfully supported BYD with HoM René Petzner with display campaigns, OOH, print and localisation of TV and online videos - and are now working with BYD on a long-term strategy to further expand and consolidate its market presence in Austria.


Digital Strategy
Interaction Concept
Social Media
User Interface Design
User Experience Design
Content Creation

"digitalwerk went into the agency pitch as a lateral entrant and understood our brand in a very short time without long correction loops and managed to create a more appealing and high-performance online experience for our customers within three months from briefing to online launch."

Katharina Kodella

Head of Group Digitalization Denzel Group Austria

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