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Assets and Mockups of the new Spielmann Brand
IAB WEBAD Gold Winner
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IAB WEBAD Silver & Bronze Winner

With Intuition Toward Brand Strategy

About the Case

The German brand Spielmann stands for high-quality wigs in the medical field. And for an online shop that isn’t really a shop at all. sees itself as an online practice, whose unique selling point (USP) is the combination of professional, personalized consultation with the flexibility and accessibility of digital commerce. Comprehensive care that goes far beyond the usual online shopping experience. Our task was to translate this brand understanding into a well-thought-out, coherent brand strategy, and to develop the core messages, brand voice, and visual identity around the existing logo.

Simultaneously, we optimized the performance concept, which has already led to noticeable initial successes.


How do you create a brand for a product that no one wants? In our case, the issue wasn’t with the product itself. Rather, it’s the context: people who need medical hair replacement are often in challenging life situations, dealing with emotions such as shame, overwhelm, or uncertainty—and in the worst cases, facing serious health crises.

On top of this, there are persistent stereotypes that the entire industry struggles with—when people hear "wig," they think of outdated pieces that are easily spotted or, worse, garish carnival wigs.

Until now, the Spielmann brand was guided by intuition—and the Spielmann family has shown an exceptional sense of intuition. However, expansion plans and a growing team now required a meticulously crafted brand strategy.


We did one thing above all: we listened carefully and read between the lines. Whether in conversations with the Spielmann family or during our research phase, where we developed a deep understanding of the affected individuals. Based on the market and target audience insights we gained, we developed the positioning, brand vision and mission, brand values, and, building on this, the brand voice, core messages, and brand design with a modern visual language.

The result: a strong brand, a Webflow-implemented brand book that ensures consistency across all touchpoints with the Spielmann brand, and a foundation for expanding and solidifying Spielmann’s market presence in Germany and Austria.

We’ve already seen initial success with a small performance campaign that, within the first weeks, achieved an above-average CTR, very low CPC, and increased visibility and conversions.


Customer Experience
Digital Strategy
Visual Branding
Verbal Branding
Content Creation
Social Media
Campaign Concept
UX Optimization

"With digitalwerk, we have finally found a partner who really understands our vision, our brand and – above all – our target group. Thanks to the careful and well thought-out brand strategy, we can realize our mission of supporting people in challenging life situations even better. We are impressed by the expertise and sensitivity with which digitalwerk has taken our Spielmann brand to a new level.“

Victor Spielmann

CEO Spielmann

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