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If you save on brand strategy, you end up paying for it

We know: Without a clear brand strategy, resources are wasted and messages become blurred - a well thought-out strategy saves money in the long term and ensures the company's success.

If you save on brand strategy, you end up paying for it

Strategy is a big word. In our day-to-day agency work, we often hear this word out of context. What we know: Without a strategy, you will eventually lose your way or end up running in circles.

But what is a strategy? It is a series of decisions that are made in order to direct time, resources and the efforts of employees towards a specific result.

A brand strategy, then, is a long-term plan that helps the company build a consistent and differentiated brand that becomes anchored in the minds of the target group. This plan can be more or less detailed depending on the stage of the company's foundation. What needs to be said at this point in any case: Just having a company name and a logo does not make a brand strategy. It is much more about the goals, vision and purpose of the company, right through to the brand personality, tonality and visual orientation. Above all, it is important that we do not confuse brand strategy with communication strategy. Far too often, companies rush into concrete communication measures before a solid brand foundation is in place. So why should companies invest in their brand strategy first?

All the things that go wrong without a brand strategy

An inconsistent or non-existent brand strategy influences the company's success. The consequences occur gradually at first, but create an ever greater gap in the long term. What are the consequences of neglecting the brand strategy?

Graphic showing the consequences of a lack of brand strategy, including wasted resources, loss of efficiency, diluted messaging, unclear brand perception and ineffective advertising. The background is blue with overlapping circles and a gradient effect.

Waste of resources

If there are no precisely defined cornerstones in the strategy, such as core messages, a verbal tonality and a visual brand world, the basis for communication is missing. Whether as part of a campaign, for the website or other contact points in the ecosystem - the wheel is constantly being reinvented. This costs time, money and personal resources.

Loss of efficiency

Discussions are held again and again, and decisions have to be made again and again. This leads to a loss of efficiency and also to resentment within the team.

Inconsistent messaging

If every measure is planned and implemented anew, there will most likely be deviations in the type and content of communication. Consistency in the core messages of communication and their continuity is also important. This leads to a clear understanding of the target group and a clear positioning of the brand in the minds of the target group. Without an associated strategy, no one will know which messages to place where.

The perception of the brand becomes blurred

A brand needs a solid foundation and must grow with the company. If neither the employees nor the customers can accurately describe what the brand stands for, this is a problem. Over time, the perception of the brand drifts and a lot of resources have to be invested afterwards to correct this perception.  

Inefficient and ineffective advertising

Communication without an underlying brand strategy not only affects the brand's recognition value, but also the results of the communication. Click-through rates, engagements, leads or other defined target KPIs are essential for effective advertising. Without a clear message, companies risk poor performance results. As a result, more time and money must be invested to improve the figures.

So why is a brand strategy essential?

A brand strategy creates clarity by ensuring that all marketing materials, from the website to social media, convey a consistent message that is understood both internally and externally. This consistency facilitates communication across the team and increases the efficiency of work processes. It also highlights the brand through targeted positioning and differentiation from the competition and anchors it in the minds of consumers.  

What we also tell our customers time and again is that a “smart” brand strategy also saves money. What is invested in the brand pays off in the long term because communication is more targeted and effective.

How we work together on the brand strategy

Developing a brand strategy is neither a fixed nor a linear process. We start where our clients are at the moment and work together to determine the cornerstones of the strategy. Since nobody knows the brand as well as they do, our experts work hand in hand with our clients on the strategy and the long-term success of their company.

Conclusion: A brand strategy is a precise plan of how and with whom the brand should be anchored in people's minds. It helps to build a consistent and differentiated brand. Every company, regardless of size or sector, should consider this. An investment in this is definitely worthwhile and ensures that no one in the team loses their way or runs in circles too often. We are happy to provide support as pathfinders and share our expertise along the way.

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